Uses of Interface

Packages that use QDataSet
org.virbo.dataset QDataSets are less abstract and more flexible data model for das2. 

Uses of QDataSet in org.virbo.dataset

Subinterfaces of QDataSet in org.virbo.dataset
 interface MutablePropertyDataSet
 interface WritableDataSet
          Mutable datasets warning: No dataset should be mutable once it is accessible to the rest of the system.

Classes in org.virbo.dataset that implement QDataSet
 class AbstractDataSet
          Abstract class to simplify defining datasets.
 class BDataSet
          rank 1,2,or 3 dataset backed by Integer (4 byte) array.
 class DDataSet
          rank 1,2,or 3 dataset backed by double array.
 class FDataSet
          rank 1,2,or 3 dataset backed by double array.
 class IDataSet
          rank 1,2,or 3 dataset backed by Integer (4 byte) array.
 class IndexGenDataSet
          This is also used a base class.
 class JoinDataSet
          create a higher rank dataset with dim 0 being a join dimension.
 class SDataSet
          rank 1,2,or 3 dataset backed by Integer (4 byte) array.
 class Slice0DataSet
          Wraps a rank N dataset, slicing on an index of the first dimension to make a rank N-1 dataset.
 class Slice1DataSet
          return a rank N-1 dataset from a rank N dataset by slicing on the first dimension.
 class SortDataSet
          wraps QDataSet, rearranging the elements of the first index as specified by a rank 1 data set of indeces
 class TagGenDataSet
 class TransposeRank2DataSet
 class TrimStrideWrapper
 class WeightsDataSet
          Provide consistent valid logic to operators by providing a QDataSet with 1.0 where the data is valid, and 0.0 where the data is invalid.

Methods in org.virbo.dataset that return QDataSet
static QDataSet DataSetOps.histogram(QDataSet ds, double min, double max, double binsize)
          returns a rank 1 dataset that is a histogram of the data.
static QDataSet DataSetOps.moment(QDataSet ds)
          performs the moment (mean,variance,etc) on the dataset.
 QDataSet RankNDataSet.slice(int dim)
static QDataSet DataSetOps.sort(QDataSet ds)
          returns a list of indeces that sort the dataset.
static QDataSet DataSetOps.transpose2(QDataSet ds)
          transpose the rank 2 qube dataset so the rows are columns and the columns are rows.
static QDataSet DataSetUtil.weightsDataSet(QDataSet ds)
          Provide consistent valid logic to operators by providing a QDataSet with 1.0 where the data is valid, and 0.0 where the data is invalid.

Methods in org.virbo.dataset with parameters of type QDataSet
static WritableDataSet DataSetOps.applyIndex(QDataSet ds, int idim, QDataSet sort, boolean deps)
          Applies the sort index to the idim-th dimension of the qube dataset ds.
static int DataSetUtil.binarySearch(QDataSet ds, double key, int low, int high)
          perform a binary search for key within ds, constraining the search to between low and high.
static WritableDataSet DataSetUtil.canonizeFill(QDataSet ds)
          Iterate through the dataset, changing all points outside of validmin, validmax and with zero weight to fill=-1e31.
static int DataSetUtil.closest(QDataSet ds, double d, int guess)
          return the index of the closest value in ds to d, using guess as a starting point.
static BDataSet BDataSet.copy(QDataSet ds)
          copies the dataset into a writeable dataset, and all of it's depend datasets as well.
static DDataSet DDataSet.copy(QDataSet ds)
          copies the dataset into a writeable dataset, and all of its depend datasets as well.
static FDataSet FDataSet.copy(QDataSet ds)
          copies the dataset into a writeable dataset, and all of it's depend datasets as well.
static IDataSet IDataSet.copy(QDataSet ds)
          copies the dataset into a writeable dataset, and all of it's depend datasets as well.
static SDataSet SDataSet.copy(QDataSet ds)
          copies the dataset into a writeable dataset, and all of it's depend datasets as well.
protected static java.util.Map DDataSet.copyProperties(QDataSet ds)
          copies the properties, copying depend datasets as well.
static OldDataSetIterator OldDataSetIterator.create(QDataSet ds)
static org.das2.dataset.TableDataSet TableDataSetAdapter.create(QDataSet z)
static org.das2.dataset.VectorDataSet VectorDataSetAdapter.create(QDataSet y)
static org.das2.dataset.DataSet DataSetAdapter.createLegacyDataSet(QDataSet ds)
static java.lang.String DataSetUtil.format(QDataSet ds)
static java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> DataSetUtil.getProperties(QDataSet ds)
          gets all the properties of the dataset.
static java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> DataSetUtil.getProperties(QDataSet ds, java.util.Map def)
          gets all the properties of the dataset.
 double DataSetIterator.getValue(QDataSet ds)
          get the value from ds at the current iterator position.
 double IndexListDataSetIterator.getValue(QDataSet ds)
          get the value from ds at the current iterator position.
 double QubeDataSetIterator.getValue(QDataSet ds)
          get the value from ds at the current iterator position.
static double DataSetUtil.guessCadence(QDataSet xds)
          calculate cadence by averaging the smallest set of consistent inter-point distance.
static double DataSetUtil.guessCadence(QDataSet xds, QDataSet yds)
          calculate cadence by averaging consistent inter-point distances, taking invalid measurements into account.
static QDataSet DataSetOps.histogram(QDataSet ds, double min, double max, double binsize)
          returns a rank 1 dataset that is a histogram of the data.
static boolean DataSetUtil.isMonotonic(QDataSet ds)
          returns true if the dataset is monotonically increasing, and contains no fill.
static boolean DataSetUtil.isQube(QDataSet ds)
          test to see that the dataset is a qube.
 void JoinDataSet.join(QDataSet ds)
static MutablePropertyDataSet DataSetOps.leafTrim(QDataSet ds, int start, int end)
          pull out a subset of the dataset by reducing the number of columns in the last dimension.
static DDataSet DDataSet.maybeCopy(QDataSet ds)
          Copy the dataset to a DDataSet only if the dataset is not already a DDataSet.
static QDataSet DataSetOps.moment(QDataSet ds)
          performs the moment (mean,variance,etc) on the dataset.
static int[] DataSetUtil.qubeDims(QDataSet ds)
          provides a convenient way of indexing qubes, returning an int[] of length ds.rank() containing each dimension's length, or null if the dataset is not a qube.
static MutablePropertyDataSet DataSetOps.slice0(QDataSet ds, int index)
          slice on the first dimension
static MutablePropertyDataSet DataSetOps.slice1(QDataSet ds, int index)
          this strange dataset operator assumes a square or qube dataset by picking the index-th element of dataset's second dimension, without regard to tags.
static MutablePropertyDataSet DataSetOps.slice2(QDataSet ds, int index)
          this strange dataset operator assumes a square or qube dataset by picking the index-th element of dataset's second dimension, without regard to tags.
static QubeDataSetIterator QubeDataSetIterator.sliceIterator(QDataSet ds, int sliceIndex)
          return an iterator for the slice of a dataset.
static QDataSet DataSetOps.sort(QDataSet ds)
          returns a list of indeces that sort the dataset.
static java.lang.String DataSetUtil.statsString(QDataSet ds)
          return a human readable statistical representation of the dataset.
static org.das2.datum.DatumVector DatumVectorAdapter.toDatumVector(QDataSet ds)
          extracts a das2 legacy DatumVector from a rank 1 QDataSet.
static java.lang.String DataSetUtil.toString(QDataSet ds)
          cleans up code by doing the cast, and handles default value
static QDataSet DataSetOps.transpose2(QDataSet ds)
          transpose the rank 2 qube dataset so the rows are columns and the columns are rows.
static MutablePropertyDataSet DataSetOps.trim(QDataSet ds, int offset, int len)
static boolean DataSetUtil.validate(QDataSet ds, java.util.List<java.lang.String> problems)
          returns true if the dataset is valid, false otherwise.
static QDataSet DataSetUtil.weightsDataSet(QDataSet ds)
          Provide consistent valid logic to operators by providing a QDataSet with 1.0 where the data is valid, and 0.0 where the data is invalid.

Constructors in org.virbo.dataset with parameters of type QDataSet
IndexListDataSetIterator(QDataSet indeces)
QubeDataSetIterator.IndexListIterator(QDataSet ds)
QubeDataSetIterator.IndexListIteratorFactory(QDataSet ds)
QubeDataSetIterator(QDataSet ds)
          dataset iterator to help in implementing the complex indexing types of python.
SortDataSet(QDataSet source, QDataSet sort)
          creates the SortDataSet
TableDataSetAdapter(QDataSet z, QDataSet x, QDataSet y)
          Creates a new instance of TableDataSetAdapter
TransposeRank2DataSet(QDataSet source)
          Creates a new instance of TransposeRank2DataSet
TrimStrideWrapper(QDataSet ds)
VectorDataSetAdapter(QDataSet y, QDataSet x)
          Creates a new instance of VectorDataSetAdapter
WeightsDataSet(QDataSet ds)

Uses of QDataSet in org.virbo.dsops

Methods in org.virbo.dsops that return QDataSet
static QDataSet Ops.abs(QDataSet ds1)
          element-wise abs.
static QDataSet Ops.acos(QDataSet ds)
          element-wise acos.
static QDataSet Ops.add(QDataSet ds1, QDataSet ds2)
          add the two datasets have the same geometry.
static QDataSet Ops.and(QDataSet ds1, QDataSet ds2)
static QDataSet Ops.applyBinaryOp(QDataSet ds1, double d2, Ops.BinaryOp op)
static QDataSet Ops.applyBinaryOp(QDataSet ds1, QDataSet ds2, Ops.BinaryOp op)
          apply the binary operator element-for-element of the two datasets, minding dataset geometry, fill values, etc.
static QDataSet Ops.asin(QDataSet ds)
          element-wise sin.
static QDataSet Ops.atan(QDataSet ds)
          element-wise atan.
static QDataSet Ops.atan2(QDataSet dsy, QDataSet dsx)
          element-wise atan2, 4-quadrant atan.
static QDataSet Ops.ceil(QDataSet ds1)
static QDataSet Ops.concatenate(QDataSet ds1, QDataSet ds2)
          concatenates the two datasets together, appending the on the zeroth dimension.
static QDataSet Ops.copysign(QDataSet magnitude, QDataSet sign)
          Returns the first floating-point argument with the sign of the second floating-point argument.
static QDataSet Ops.cos(QDataSet ds)
          element-wise cos.
static QDataSet Ops.cosh(QDataSet ds)
          element-wise cosh.
static QDataSet Ops.dblarr(int len0)
          create a dataset filled with zeros.
static QDataSet Ops.dblarr(int len0, int len1)
static QDataSet Ops.dblarr(int len0, int len1, int len2)
static QDataSet Ops.diff(QDataSet ds)
          return array that is the differences between each successive pair in the dataset.
static QDataSet Ops.dindgen(int len0)
          returns rank 1 dataset with values [0,1,2,...]
static QDataSet Ops.dindgen(int len0, int len1)
          returns rank 2 dataset with values increasing [ [0,1,2], [ 3,4,5] ]
static QDataSet Ops.dindgen(int len0, int len1, int len2)
          returns rank 3 dataset with values increasing
static QDataSet Ops.div(QDataSet ds1, QDataSet ds2)
          element-wise div of two datasets with the same geometry.
static QDataSet Ops.divide(QDataSet ds1, QDataSet ds2)
          element-wise divide of two datasets with the same geometry.
static QDataSet Ops.eq(QDataSet ds1, QDataSet ds2)
          element-wise equality test.
static QDataSet Ops.exp(QDataSet ds)
          element-wise exponentiate e**x.
static QDataSet Ops.exp10(QDataSet ds)
          element-wise exponentiate 10**x.
static QDataSet Ops.expm1(QDataSet ds)
          Returns ex -1.
static QDataSet Ops.extent(QDataSet ds)
          returns a two element, rank 1 dataset containg the extent of the data.
static QDataSet Ops.fft(QDataSet ds)
          Performs an FFT on the provided rank 1 dataset.
static QDataSet Ops.fftWindow(QDataSet ds, int len)
          perform ffts on the rank 1 dataset to make a rank2 spectrogram.
static QDataSet Ops.findex(QDataSet uu, QDataSet vv)
          returns the floating point index of each element of vv within the monotonically increasing dataset uu.
static QDataSet Ops.findgen(int len0)
          returns rank 1 dataset with values [0,1,2,...]
static QDataSet Ops.findgen(int len0, int len1)
          returns rank 2 dataset with values increasing [ [0,1,2], [ 3,4,5] ]
static QDataSet Ops.findgen(int len0, int len1, int len2)
          returns rank 3 dataset with values increasing
static QDataSet Ops.floor(QDataSet ds1)
static QDataSet Ops.fltarr(int len0)
          create a dataset filled with zeros.
static QDataSet Ops.fltarr(int len0, int len1)
static QDataSet Ops.fltarr(int len0, int len1, int len2)
static QDataSet ds1, QDataSet ds2)
static QDataSet ds1, QDataSet ds2)
static QDataSet Ops.histogram(QDataSet ds, double min, double max, double binSize)
          returns histogram of dataset, the number of points falling in each bin.
static QDataSet Ops.histogram(QDataSet ds, int binCount)
          returns a histogram of the dataset, based on the extent and scaletype of the data.
static QDataSet Ops.interpolate(QDataSet vv, QDataSet findex)
          interpolate values from rank 1 dataset vv using fractional indeces in rank N findex.
static QDataSet Ops.interpolate(QDataSet vv, QDataSet findex0, QDataSet findex1)
          interpolate values from rank 1 dataset vv using fractional indeces in rank N findex, using bilinear interpolation.
static QDataSet Ops.join(QDataSet ds1, QDataSet ds2)
          Join two rank N datasets to make a rank N+1 dataset, with the first dimension having two elements.
static QDataSet Ops.labels(java.lang.String[] labels)
          create a labels dataset for tagging rows of a dataset.
static QDataSet Ops.labels(java.lang.String[] labels, java.lang.String context)
          create a labels dataset for tagging rows of a dataset.
static QDataSet Ops.le(QDataSet ds1, QDataSet ds2)
static QDataSet Ops.linspace(double min, double max, int len0)
          return a rank 1 dataset with len0 linearly-spaced values, the first is min and the last is max.
static QDataSet Ops.log(QDataSet ds)
          element-wise natural logarythm.
static QDataSet Ops.log10(QDataSet ds)
          element-wise base 10 logarythm.
static QDataSet ds1, QDataSet ds2)
static QDataSet Ops.magnitude(QDataSet ds)
          return the magnitudes of vectors in a rank 2 or greater dataset.
static QDataSet Ops.mod(QDataSet ds1, QDataSet ds2)
          element-wise mod of two datasets with the same geometry.
static QDataSet Ops.multiply(QDataSet ds1, QDataSet ds2)
          element-wise multiply of two datasets with the same geometry.
static QDataSet ds1, QDataSet ds2)
          element-wise not equal test.
static QDataSet Ops.negate(QDataSet ds1)
          return a dataset with each element negated.
static QDataSet Ops.not(QDataSet ds1)
static QDataSet Ops.ones(int len0)
          return new dataset filled with ones.
static QDataSet Ops.ones(int len0, int len1)
          return new dataset filled with ones.
static QDataSet Ops.ones(int len0, int len1, int len2)
          return new dataset filled with ones.
static QDataSet Ops.or(QDataSet ds1, QDataSet ds2)
static QDataSet Ops.outerProduct(QDataSet ds1, QDataSet ds2)
          returns outerProduct of two rank 1 datasets, a rank 2 dataset with elements R[i,j]= ds1[i] * ds2[j].
static QDataSet Ops.pow(QDataSet ds1, double pow)
          element-wise pow.
static QDataSet Ops.pow(QDataSet ds1, QDataSet pow)
          element-wise pow (** in FORTRAN, ^ in IDL) of two datasets with the same geometry.
static QDataSet Ops.rand(int len0)
          return returns a rank 1 dataset of random uniform numbers from [0,1].
static QDataSet Ops.rand(int len0, int len1)
          return returns a rank 2 dataset of random uniform numbers from [0,1].
static QDataSet Ops.rand(int len0, int len1, int len2)
          return returns a rank 3 dataset of random uniform numbers from [0,1].
static QDataSet Ops.randn(int len0)
          return returns a rank 1 dataset of random numbers of a guassian (normal) distribution.
static QDataSet Ops.randn(int len0, int len1)
          return returns a rank 2 dataset of random numbers of a guassian (normal) distribution.
static QDataSet Ops.randn(int len0, int len1, int len2)
          return returns a rank 3 dataset of random numbers of a guassian (normal) distribution.
static QDataSet Ops.randomn(long seed, int len0)
          returns a rank 1 dataset of random numbers of a guassian (normal) distribution.
static QDataSet Ops.randomn(long seed, int len0, int len1)
          returns a rank 2 dataset of random numbers of a guassian (normal) distribution.
static QDataSet Ops.randomn(long seed, int len0, int len1, int len2)
          returns a rank 3 dataset of random numbers of a guassian (normal) distribution.
static QDataSet Ops.reduceMax(QDataSet ds, int dim)
          reduce the dataset's rank by reporting the max of all the elements along a dimension.
static QDataSet Ops.reduceMean(QDataSet ds, int dim)
          reduce the dataset's rank by reporting the max of all the elements along a dimension.
static QDataSet Ops.reduceMin(QDataSet ds, int dim)
          reduce the dataset's rank by reporting the min of all the elements along a dimension.
static QDataSet Ops.reform(QDataSet ds)
          Reshape the dataset to remove the first dimension with length 1, reducing its rank by 1.
static QDataSet Ops.reform(QDataSet ds, int[] qube)
static QDataSet Ops.replicate(double val, int len0)
          returns rank 1 dataset with value
static QDataSet Ops.replicate(double val, int len0, int len1)
          returns rank 2 dataset filled with value
static QDataSet Ops.replicate(double val, int len0, int len1, int len2)
          returns rank 3 dataset with filled with value.
static QDataSet Ops.replicate(float val, int len0)
          returns rank 1 dataset with value
static QDataSet Ops.replicate(float val, int len0, int len1)
          returns rank 2 dataset filled with value
static QDataSet Ops.replicate(float val, int len0, int len1, int len2)
          returns rank 3 dataset with filled with value.
static QDataSet Ops.shuffle(QDataSet ds)
          returns a rank 1 dataset of indeces that shuffle the rank 1 dataset ds
static QDataSet Ops.signum(QDataSet ds1)
          Returns the signum function of the argument; zero if the argument is zero, 1.0 if the argument is greater than zero, -1.0 if the argument is less than zero.
static QDataSet Ops.sin(QDataSet ds)
          element-wise sin.
static QDataSet Ops.sinh(QDataSet ds)
          element-wise sinh.
static QDataSet Ops.smooth(QDataSet ds, int size)
          run boxcar average over the dataset, returning a dataset of same geometry.
static QDataSet Ops.sort(QDataSet ds)
          returns a rank 1 dataset of indeces that sort the rank 1 dataset ds.
static QDataSet Ops.sqrt(QDataSet ds)
          element-wise sqrt.
static QDataSet Ops.subtract(QDataSet ds1, QDataSet ds2)
          subtract one dataset from another.
static QDataSet Ops.tan(QDataSet ds)
          element-wise tan.
static QDataSet Ops.tanh(QDataSet ds)
          element-wise tanh.
static QDataSet Ops.timegen(java.lang.String baseTime, java.lang.String cadence, int len0)
          returns rank 1 dataset with values [0,1,2,...]
static QDataSet Ops.toDegrees(QDataSet ds)
static QDataSet Ops.toRadians(QDataSet ds)
static QDataSet ds, int dim)
          reduce the dataset's rank by totalling all the elements along a dimension.
static QDataSet Ops.transpose(QDataSet ds)
static QDataSet Ops.where(QDataSet ds)
          returns a dataset containing the indeces of where the dataset is non-zero.
static QDataSet Ops.zeros(int len0)
          return new dataset filled with zeros.
static QDataSet Ops.zeros(int len0, int len1)
          return new dataset filled with zeros.
static QDataSet Ops.zeros(int len0, int len1, int len2)
          return new dataset filled with zeros.

Methods in org.virbo.dsops with parameters of type QDataSet
static QDataSet Ops.abs(QDataSet ds1)
          element-wise abs.
static QDataSet Ops.acos(QDataSet ds)
          element-wise acos.
static QDataSet Ops.add(QDataSet ds1, QDataSet ds2)
          add the two datasets have the same geometry.
static QDataSet Ops.and(QDataSet ds1, QDataSet ds2)
static QDataSet Ops.applyBinaryOp(QDataSet ds1, double d2, Ops.BinaryOp op)
static QDataSet Ops.applyBinaryOp(QDataSet ds1, QDataSet ds2, Ops.BinaryOp op)
          apply the binary operator element-for-element of the two datasets, minding dataset geometry, fill values, etc.
static DDataSet Ops.applyUnaryOp(QDataSet ds1, Ops.UnaryOp op)
          apply the unary operation (such as "cos") to the dataset.
static QDataSet Ops.asin(QDataSet ds)
          element-wise sin.
static QDataSet Ops.atan(QDataSet ds)
          element-wise atan.
static QDataSet Ops.atan2(QDataSet dsy, QDataSet dsx)
          element-wise atan2, 4-quadrant atan.
static QDataSet Ops.ceil(QDataSet ds1)
static QDataSet Ops.concatenate(QDataSet ds1, QDataSet ds2)
          concatenates the two datasets together, appending the on the zeroth dimension.
static QDataSet Ops.copysign(QDataSet magnitude, QDataSet sign)
          Returns the first floating-point argument with the sign of the second floating-point argument.
static QDataSet Ops.cos(QDataSet ds)
          element-wise cos.
static QDataSet Ops.cosh(QDataSet ds)
          element-wise cosh.
static QDataSet Ops.diff(QDataSet ds)
          return array that is the differences between each successive pair in the dataset.
static QDataSet Ops.div(QDataSet ds1, QDataSet ds2)
          element-wise div of two datasets with the same geometry.
static QDataSet Ops.divide(QDataSet ds1, QDataSet ds2)
          element-wise divide of two datasets with the same geometry.
static QDataSet Ops.eq(QDataSet ds1, QDataSet ds2)
          element-wise equality test.
static QDataSet Ops.exp(QDataSet ds)
          element-wise exponentiate e**x.
static QDataSet Ops.exp10(QDataSet ds)
          element-wise exponentiate 10**x.
static QDataSet Ops.expm1(QDataSet ds)
          Returns ex -1.
static QDataSet Ops.extent(QDataSet ds)
          returns a two element, rank 1 dataset containg the extent of the data.
static QDataSet Ops.fft(QDataSet ds)
          Performs an FFT on the provided rank 1 dataset.
static QDataSet Ops.fftWindow(QDataSet ds, int len)
          perform ffts on the rank 1 dataset to make a rank2 spectrogram.
static QDataSet Ops.findex(QDataSet uu, QDataSet vv)
          returns the floating point index of each element of vv within the monotonically increasing dataset uu.
static QDataSet Ops.floor(QDataSet ds1)
static QDataSet ds1, QDataSet ds2)
static QDataSet ds1, QDataSet ds2)
static QDataSet Ops.histogram(QDataSet ds, double min, double max, double binSize)
          returns histogram of dataset, the number of points falling in each bin.
static QDataSet Ops.histogram(QDataSet ds, int binCount)
          returns a histogram of the dataset, based on the extent and scaletype of the data.
static QDataSet Ops.interpolate(QDataSet vv, QDataSet findex)
          interpolate values from rank 1 dataset vv using fractional indeces in rank N findex.
static QDataSet Ops.interpolate(QDataSet vv, QDataSet findex0, QDataSet findex1)
          interpolate values from rank 1 dataset vv using fractional indeces in rank N findex, using bilinear interpolation.
static QDataSet Ops.join(QDataSet ds1, QDataSet ds2)
          Join two rank N datasets to make a rank N+1 dataset, with the first dimension having two elements.
static QDataSet Ops.le(QDataSet ds1, QDataSet ds2)
static QDataSet Ops.log(QDataSet ds)
          element-wise natural logarythm.
static QDataSet Ops.log10(QDataSet ds)
          element-wise base 10 logarythm.
static QDataSet ds1, QDataSet ds2)
static QDataSet Ops.magnitude(QDataSet ds)
          return the magnitudes of vectors in a rank 2 or greater dataset.
static QDataSet Ops.mod(QDataSet ds1, QDataSet ds2)
          element-wise mod of two datasets with the same geometry.
static QDataSet Ops.multiply(QDataSet ds1, QDataSet ds2)
          element-wise multiply of two datasets with the same geometry.
static QDataSet ds1, QDataSet ds2)
          element-wise not equal test.
static QDataSet Ops.negate(QDataSet ds1)
          return a dataset with each element negated.
static QDataSet Ops.not(QDataSet ds1)
static QDataSet Ops.or(QDataSet ds1, QDataSet ds2)
static QDataSet Ops.outerProduct(QDataSet ds1, QDataSet ds2)
          returns outerProduct of two rank 1 datasets, a rank 2 dataset with elements R[i,j]= ds1[i] * ds2[j].
static QDataSet Ops.pow(QDataSet ds1, double pow)
          element-wise pow.
static QDataSet Ops.pow(QDataSet ds1, QDataSet pow)
          element-wise pow (** in FORTRAN, ^ in IDL) of two datasets with the same geometry.
static QDataSet Ops.reduceMax(QDataSet ds, int dim)
          reduce the dataset's rank by reporting the max of all the elements along a dimension.
static QDataSet Ops.reduceMean(QDataSet ds, int dim)
          reduce the dataset's rank by reporting the max of all the elements along a dimension.
static QDataSet Ops.reduceMin(QDataSet ds, int dim)
          reduce the dataset's rank by reporting the min of all the elements along a dimension.
static QDataSet Ops.reform(QDataSet ds)
          Reshape the dataset to remove the first dimension with length 1, reducing its rank by 1.
static QDataSet Ops.reform(QDataSet ds, int[] qube)
static QDataSet Ops.shuffle(QDataSet ds)
          returns a rank 1 dataset of indeces that shuffle the rank 1 dataset ds
static QDataSet Ops.signum(QDataSet ds1)
          Returns the signum function of the argument; zero if the argument is zero, 1.0 if the argument is greater than zero, -1.0 if the argument is less than zero.
static QDataSet Ops.sin(QDataSet ds)
          element-wise sin.
static QDataSet Ops.sinh(QDataSet ds)
          element-wise sinh.
static QDataSet Ops.smooth(QDataSet ds, int size)
          run boxcar average over the dataset, returning a dataset of same geometry.
static QDataSet Ops.sort(QDataSet ds)
          returns a rank 1 dataset of indeces that sort the rank 1 dataset ds.
static QDataSet Ops.sqrt(QDataSet ds)
          element-wise sqrt.
static QDataSet Ops.subtract(QDataSet ds1, QDataSet ds2)
          subtract one dataset from another.
static QDataSet Ops.tan(QDataSet ds)
          element-wise tan.
static QDataSet Ops.tanh(QDataSet ds)
          element-wise tanh.
static QDataSet Ops.toDegrees(QDataSet ds)
static QDataSet Ops.toRadians(QDataSet ds)
static double ds)
static QDataSet ds, int dim)
          reduce the dataset's rank by totalling all the elements along a dimension.
static QDataSet Ops.transpose(QDataSet ds)
static QDataSet Ops.where(QDataSet ds)
          returns a dataset containing the indeces of where the dataset is non-zero.

Uses of QDataSet in org.virbo.dsutil

Classes in org.virbo.dsutil that implement QDataSet
 class TransposeRankNDataSet
          wrap a qube dataset to transpose the indeces.

Methods in org.virbo.dsutil that return QDataSet
static QDataSet BinAverage.rebin(QDataSet ds, int binSize0)
          reduce the rank 1 dataset by averaging blocks of bins together
static QDataSet BinAverage.rebin(QDataSet ds, int binSize0, int binSize1)
          reduce the rank 2 dataset by averaging blocks of bins together.
static QDataSet LSpec.rebin(QDataSet lds, QDataSet zds, QDataSet lgrid)
          rebin the datasets to rank 2 dataset ( time, LShell ), by interpolating along sweeps.
static QDataSet BinAverage.residuals(QDataSet ds, int boxcarSize)
          returns number of stddev from adjacent data.

Methods in org.virbo.dsutil with parameters of type QDataSet
static DDataSet BinAverage.boxcar(QDataSet ds, int size)
          run boxcar average over the dataset, returning a dataset of same geometry.
static QDataSet BinAverage.rebin(QDataSet ds, int binSize0)
          reduce the rank 1 dataset by averaging blocks of bins together
static QDataSet BinAverage.rebin(QDataSet ds, int binSize0, int binSize1)
          reduce the rank 2 dataset by averaging blocks of bins together.
static DDataSet BinAverage.rebin(QDataSet ds, QDataSet newTags0)
          returns a dataset with tags specified by newTags0.
static DDataSet BinAverage.rebin(QDataSet ds, QDataSet newTags0, QDataSet newTags1)
          returns a dataset with tags specified by newTags
static QDataSet LSpec.rebin(QDataSet lds, QDataSet zds, QDataSet lgrid)
          rebin the datasets to rank 2 dataset ( time, LShell ), by interpolating along sweeps.
static QDataSet BinAverage.residuals(QDataSet ds, int boxcarSize)
          returns number of stddev from adjacent data.
static javax.swing.tree.MutableTreeNode ValuesTreeModel.valuesTreeNode(java.lang.String prefix, javax.swing.tree.MutableTreeNode aroot, QDataSet ds)

Constructors in org.virbo.dsutil with parameters of type QDataSet
LinFit(QDataSet x, QDataSet y)
LinFit(QDataSet x, QDataSet y, QDataSet sig)
PropertiesTreeModel(QDataSet ds)
PropertiesTreeModel(java.lang.String prefix, QDataSet ds)
TransposeRankNDataSet(QDataSet source, int[] order)
ValuesTreeModel(QDataSet ds)
ValuesTreeModel(java.lang.String prefix, QDataSet ds)