Class LSpec

  extended by org.virbo.dsutil.LSpec

public class LSpec
extends java.lang.Object

Form a rank 2 dataset with L and Time for tags by identifying monotonic sweeps in two rank 1 datasets.

Method Summary
static QDataSet rebin(QDataSet lds, QDataSet zds, QDataSet lgrid)
          rebin the datasets to rank 2 dataset ( time, LShell ), by interpolating along sweeps.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static QDataSet rebin(QDataSet lds,
                             QDataSet zds,
                             QDataSet lgrid)
rebin the datasets to rank 2 dataset ( time, LShell ), by interpolating along sweeps. This dataset has the property "sweeps", which is a dataset that indexes the input datasets.

lds - rank 1 dataset of length N
zds - rank 1 dataset of length N, indexed along with lds
lgrid - rank 1 dataset indicating the dim 1 tags for the result dataset.
a rank 2 dataset, with one column per sweep, interpolated to lgrid