In this tutorial, we will use LaTeX to make an annotation.
First plot an equation, using the URI vap+inline:xx=linspace(-1,1,1000)&yy=sqrt(1-xx**2)&xx,yy
This "inline" URI is Jython code which represents a semicircle.
Right-click (control click) on the y-axis to bring up a menu...
and bind the scale to the x-axis.
Now we'll add an annotation.
Right-click (command-click) to "Add annotation..."
Set the text...
Select point at (which contains the original right-click location), and SW for the position.
This is an annotation showing Jython code. An annotation has many controls which can be set in its property editor.
We wish to show how the website quicklatex.com can be used to render LaTeX expressions in annotations.
Modify the LaTeX code to the expression desired.
We want to show just the one-line expression.
Scroll down, click "Render" (things may have changed since this was recorded in April 2018), and the LaTeX is rendered below.
This image could be saved to your machine, but the site also provides a link. Note using this link introduces an external dependence, so the .vap may not load if the quicklatex.com is down.
Copy the link address of the image into the clipboard buffer.
Edit the annotation's properties...
The property "url" should be the link location of an image. Note this overrides the text property, so the text property could be used to store the LaTeX code for future reference.
Paste the URL link location from the quicklatex.com website.
The LaTeX image is painted on to the canvas in the annotation. Note this is only rendered at screen resolution, so it may not be suitable for publication. A future version of Autoplot may address this.