from javax.swing import JCheckBox, JTextField, JPanel from javax.swing import BoxLayout cb= JCheckBox("Update X-axis to length (ISO8601 duration): ") cb.selected= True tf= JTextField('PT10M') p= JPanel() p.setLayout( BoxLayout(p,BoxLayout.X_AXIS) ) p.add( cb ) p.add( tf ) getApplication().setBottomPanel(p) tlen='PT10M' while (cb.selected): try: dom.timeRange= datumRange( tf.text + '/now' ) tlen= tf.text except: dom.timeRange= datumRange( tlen + '/now' ) for dsf in dom.dataSourceFilters: if ( dsf.uri!=None and not dsf.uri.startswith('vap+internal:') ): dsf.controller.update() sleep(10000) getApplication().clearBottomPanel()