# label: Replace File... # title: Replace filename references within the DOM, and reset xrange from java.awt import BorderLayout from javax.swing import JOptionPane, JPanel, JTextField, ImageIcon, JLabel, JButton, JFileChooser import java.io.File if ( len( dom.controller.dataSourceFilter.uri )==0 ): JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( None, "Nothing plotted" ) split= None oldf= '' # it would be nice if I could just break out of here.. else: from org.virbo.datasource import URISplit split= URISplit.parse( dom.controller.dataSourceFilter.uri ) oldf= split.file # define the file component panel= JPanel( BorderLayout() ) text= JTextField(50) panel.add( text ) panel.add( JLabel( "Current file is

Enter New Filename: " ), BorderLayout.NORTH ) def pickFile(event): chooser= JFileChooser() current= java.io.File(text.getText()) print current.getParentFile() chooser.setCurrentDirectory( current.getParentFile() ) chooser.setSelectedFile( current ) ret= chooser.showOpenDialog(event.source) if ( ret==JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION ): text.setText( chooser.getSelectedFile().toString() ) pick= JButton( "pick", actionPerformed=pickFile ) panel.add( pick, BorderLayout.EAST ); # end, define the file component if ( split!=None ): if ( oldf[0:5]=='file:' ): oldf= URL(oldf).getFile() text.setText( oldf ) i= JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( None, panel, "Change Files", JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION ) if ( i==JOptionPane.OK_OPTION ): newf= text.getText() if ( newf!=None ): dom.options.setAutoranging(False) for i in dom.dataSourceFilters: oldf1= i.uri newf1= oldf1.replace( oldf, newf ) i.uri= newf1 dom.controller.waitUntilIdle() dom.options.setAutoranging(True) ds= dom.dataSourceFilters[0].controller.dataSet from org.virbo.dataset import SemanticOps from org.das2.datum import DatumRangeUtil ext= SemanticOps.bounds(ds) xbounds= ext.slice(0) xunits= SemanticOps.getUnits( xbounds ) xdr= DatumRange( xbounds.value(0), xbounds.value(1), xunits ) if ( not xdr.intersects( dom.plots[0].xaxis.range ) ): dom.plots[0].xaxis.range= xdr