from javax.xml.parsers import ParserConfigurationException from javax.xml.parsers import DocumentBuilderFactory from javax.xml.xpath import XPath from javax.xml.xpath import XPathExpressionException from javax.xml.xpath import XPathFactory from javax.xml.xpath import XPathConstants from org.xml.sax import InputSource from org.virbo.dataset import DDataSet from import File from import FileInputStream file= File( '/home/weigel/autoplot_data/bookmarks/bookmarks.xml' ) myin= FileInputStream( file ) builder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder() source = InputSource( myin ) initialDocument = builder.parse(source) factory= XPathFactory.newInstance() xpath= factory.newXPath() temps= xpath.evaluate( '//uri', initialDocument, XPathConstants.NODESET ) print 'Found ' + str(temps.getLength()) + ' bookmarks' #for i in range(temps.getLength()): for i in range(10,20): uri= xpath.evaluate('text()', temps.item(i), XPathConstants.STRING) print i, uri try: setDataSourceURL( uri ) setTitle( uri ) fname = uri.replace('','') fname = uri.replace('timerange=','') fname = fname.replace('&','-') writeToPng( fname + '.png' ) print 'Wrote ' + fname + '.png' except Exception, ex: print '# unable to plot ' + uri + ' because of ' + str(ex) except java.lang.Exception, ex: print '# unable to plot ' + uri + ' because of ' + str(ex)